Como responder a Congratulations?

Pergunta de Pedro Ramos em 23-09-2022
(45 votos)

Como responder a Congratulations?

Congratulations on your promotion, Pamela! — Thanks a lot, Bill. — Please, a round of applause for Miss Johnson! — Oh, thanks a lot everyone.

Como responder elogio inglês?

Thank you

  1. Um jeito simples de agradecer por um elogio sem estender muito a frase é dizer obrigado. ...
  2. You did a great job! ...
  3. Thank you. ...
  4. Dinner was delicious! ...
  5. Oh, thank you. ...
  6. I told Mary you are a brilliant designer. ...
  7. Thank you, I appreciate the compliment. ...
  8. You're one of my best students.

Como responder Great?

Great = Ótimo. Pretty good/fine/well = Muito bem. Good = Bem. Fine = Bem.

Como agradecer em inglês de nada?

Para dizer “de nada”, você pode usar (you're) welcome, o descolado no worries ou o simpático don't mention it (similar a “imagina”, “não foi nada”).

Como responder um elogio no Instagram?

Muito obrigado. Agradeço muito pelo seu reconhecimento! Fico lisonjeado com as suas palavras. Agradeço de coração pelo que você disse.

O que responder quando alguém te agradece em inglês?

15 Maneiras de Responder um Agradecimento em Inglês

  1. NO PROBLEM. A) Thank you, Ina! B) ...
  2. THAT'S FINE, THAT'S OK, THAT'S ALRIGHT! A) That was lovely, thank you, Ina! B) ...
  3. ANYTIME! ...
  4. I'M HAPPY TO HELP. ...

Como responder em inglês Estou bem e você?

I'm fine, and how about you? – Estou bem, e você? I'm cool. – Estou bem.

What's the best way to respond to congrats?

When responding to these types of congratulatory messages, whether from a fan or an opponent, a little humility goes a long way. Here are four ways on how to respond to congratulations when you are triumphant in a contest or competition: 14 Thank you for believing in me! Without your support, I don’t think I could have come out on top.

What do you say when someone says congratulations?

“Congratulations on your well-deserved success.” “Heartfelt congratulations to you.” “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.” “Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”

Are there any good congratulations messages on the Internet?

Congratulations Messages : Its really difficult to find some really good congratulations wishes messages on the internet. It may be because they have found success, or achieved something big, or maybe they have been promoted on their job very recently.

How to congratulate someone on their new job?

Congratulations on your new job! I’m so happy to hear about your new job — you deserve it! Congrats! You did great things here, and you’ll do great things there. Congratulations! Your new place couldn’t have picked a better person to join them. Congratulations!

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