Como resetar o MacBook Pro de fábrica?

Pergunta de Gabriel Coelho em 23-09-2022
(51 votos)

Como resetar o MacBook Pro de fábrica?

Como redefinir um MacBook Air ou MacBook Pro

  1. Mantenha pressionadas as teclas Command e R no teclado, e pressione o botão de desligar do Mac. ...
  2. Selecione seu idioma e continue.
  3. Escolha Utilitário de Disco e clique em continuar.
  4. Escolha o disco de inicialização (seu HD ou SSD) na barra lateral e clique no botão Apagar .

Is there a way to reset a MacBook Pro?

Continue holding the keys until your Mac finishes starting up. Your Mac may reboot itself during this process. Once you arrive at the user selection screen, you can release the keys and sign into your MacBook Pro like you usually do. You may need to reset some of your preferences (e.g., preferred audio output) after resetting the NVRAM.

How do I reset my MacBook Air to factory settings?

How to reset a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro 1. Hold down the Command and R keys on the keyboard and turn on the Mac. Let go when the Apple logo pops up.

How do you reset the SMC on a MacBook Pro?

In order to reset the SMC, you'll need to hold down the ⌘ Command, ⌥ Option, and ⇧ Shift keys all at the same time while also holding down the "Power". button. If your MacBook Pro has a touch bar, the "Power" button is also the Touch ID button. Press and hold the SMC reset keys for 10 seconds.

How do I reinstall OS X on a MacBook Pro?

Once the Disk Utility is closed, the Mac OS reinstallation window will present. Pick Reinstall MacOS or Reinstall OS X, you MacBook Pro will start connecting to Apple servers and downloading the Mac OS automatically through Wi-Fi network or Ethernet. The Mac OS version reinstalled depends on the key combination that you used in step 1.

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