Resposta da empresa
É recomendado utilizar flanela ou microfibra secas na limpeza. Na falta de uma delas, camisas de algodão também servem, desde que sejam macias. Não use papel ou outro material que possa deixar restos entrarem na grade do alto-falante.
Hard Reset JBL Charge 4
Primeiro método:
Como parear a JBL com o celular
Como limpar caixa de som em MDF Um pano limpo, umedecido levemente, dá conta da maior parte das limpezas. Mas lembre-se de secar a superfície por completo com outro pano seco e macio logo em seguida.
And now, the steps to factory reset the JBL Flip 4 Bluetooth speaker. Step 1. Turn the JBL Flip 4 speaker on. You can tell the device is on when the Power button has a blue backlight. Step 2. Hold both the "Volume Up" and "Play" buttons down until the device turns off by itself.
1. Power on the unit by pressing the on/off button for about one second. 2. Press the "Vol - " button and the "Bluetooth" button together for more than 7 seconds. 3. The unit will display Red, Green, Blue light and go into power off stage, but with the on/off light and the light symbol lighted up.
I then turned to JBL support and they provided me with the follow steps that worked. Power on the JBL Pulse 2. For 2 seconds, press and hold the "Volume +" and "Play" buttons. The JBL Pulse will power off, and is now reset.
At this point, there are no devices paired with your JBL Flip 4 speaker, and you'll need to either pair a device with it or connect a device to it using a 3.5mm audio cable for it to play any audio.
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