Clique no botão "Iniciar" do Windows e selecione "Computador". Dê um clique duplo na unidade "C:" e vá até a pasta que contém a instalação do seu Apache, que por padrão é "C:\Arquivos de Programas". Clique com o botão direito na pasta "Apache Group" e selecione "Excluir".
Siga estas etapas para remover o apache2 service usando Terminal :
Desinstalar do Windows
Como remover o Tomcat do computador
Como faço para remover corretamente o servidor apache2 no servidor ubuntu e depois reinstalá-lo?
Follow these steps to remove the apache2 service using Terminal: First stop the apache2 service if it is running with: sudo service apache2 stop Now remove and cleanup all the apache2 packages with: sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2-common //or sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-utils apache2-bin apache2.2-common
If you installed apache by installing that package, you just need to run this to clean up the automatically selected packages: If that doesn't work, you might have installed one of the dependents manually. You can target all the apache2- packages from space and nuke the lot: sudo apt remove apache2.*
I've tried all commands, but nothing works. access is denied. failed to open the 'Apache2.4' service. and I get the "It works!" in the localhost. You are probably running these commands from terminal without Administrator privileges.
in the localhost. You are probably running these commands from terminal without Administrator privileges. If httpd -k uninstall is not working for whatever reason, you should be able to remove service by sc command: Sc delete, other tutorial here. Again, ensure that you run these commands as Administrator. I've had this sort of problem.
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