congelado adj (congelada f sing, congelados m pl, congeladas f pl)
Idina Menzel
Let It Go/Artistas
Taryn Szpilman Livre Estou/Artistas
Taryn Szpilman
No Brasil, a versão portuguesa da canção tema "Let It Go" é interpretada pela cantora Taryn Szpilman, que também é a dubladora brasileira da personagem Elsa.
The song is in quadruple meter, and has a fast tempo of around 137 beats per minute ( allegro ). The song's vocal range spans from F 3 to E â™5. Anderson-Lopez and Lopez specifically wrote the song for Idina Menzel, referring to her as "one of the most glorious voices of Broadway and an icon in musical theater."
"Let It Go" was the first song written by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez for the film that made it in, since songs composed earlier were eventually cut. The story outline they were given had a place reserved for "Elsa's Badass Song", which was what they were trying to write.
A remix EP was released digitally by Walt Disney Records on . The EP features four remixes by Dave Audé, Papercha$er, DJ Escape & Tony Coluccio and Corbin Hayes.
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