Tutorial PostgreSQL - Instalação no Windows
Só para não esquecer mais… 5 formas diferentes de saber qual a versão do PostgreSQL que você está rodando:
pgAdmin is available for 64 bit Windows™ 7 SP1 (desktop) or 2008R2 (server) and above, up to v4.30. v5.0 and later are supported on Windows 8 (desktop) or 2012 (server) and above. 32 bit Windows support is available for versions up to v4.29. The packages below include both the Desktop Runtime and Web Application:
Whilst the Windows packages are signed with a Microsoft-issued digital signing key, a separate GPG signature is also provided for each downloadable file in the corresponding .asc file. The public key for these signatures can be found on OpenPGP keyservers, for example here.
Nightly snapshot builds generated from the head of the master branch are available here . To install these packages, simply download and run the installer. The Windows installers are signed with a Microsoft-issued digital signing key.
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