Para isso, basta você baixar e instalar o Android Studio, uma plataforma utilizada por desenvolvedores para criar aplicativos para Android. Esse programa já possui a SDK do Android e o ADB do Android embutidos na instalação. Para isso, vá para a página de download do Android Studio e faça o download do instalador.
Visite a página SDK Platform-tools do Google para encontrar a versão mais recente do ADB e do fastboot. Lá, baixe o SDK completo, todas as ferramentas necessárias estarão lá. Escolha o link de download que corresponde ao seu sistema operacional.
Passo a passo
Passo a passo
Minimal ADB and Fastboot is a utility application that allows you to install Android Debug Bridge (ADB) and Fastboot files on your Windows computer. Before this tool was launched, you will need to download and install the mighty Android SDK package to install ADB and Fastboot files.
Minimal ADB and Fastboot 1.4.3 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows. We have tested Minimal ADB and Fastboot 1.4.3 against malware with several different programs. We certify that this program is clean of viruses, malware and trojans. Quickly install bare-bones ADB for accessing Android filesystem.
Today i will guide you to install TWRP using ADB Fastboot Method. To install TWRP using ADB Fastboot Method, you need to first install ADB Fastboot tool on your computer. Download from the below pre-requisite and install the ADB Fastboot tool on your computer.
Fastboot is the part of SDK just like the ADB. This tool is useful to reflash partition with the image files on the device. With the fastboot tool scheme, image file or other files can modify from the windows over the USB data cable connection. This tool will help to recover, install, update, or necessary data to zip. What is a Driver?
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