Instalação do PHP em Ubuntu Linux
Instalando o Software
Executando arquivos PHP ¶
Como atualizar para o PHP 7.2 ou 7.3 no Ubuntu Instale o mais novo PHP e os módulos necessários. Altere a versão padrão que você está usando. (Obrigatório) Configure seu software para usar a nova versão do PHP. É provável que você precise configurar o Nginx / Apache e muitos outros serviços / aplicativos.
Podemos utilizar comandos start , stop e restart para iniciar, parar e reiniciar o servidor web Apache no Linux, respectivamente. Os comandos para iniciar, parar e reiniciar o Apache variam de acordo com a distribuição Linux que estamos utilizando.
Instalar o Apache
How can I install PHP 7.3 on Linux Mint 19?. In December 2018, the PHP team released PHP 7.3 for general availability (GA) and all the release details are on the PHP ChangeLog page. The default version of PHP available in Linux Mint 19 repositories is PHP 7.2. This guide will walk you through the steps to install PHP 7.3 on Linux Mint 19.
In order to enable the PHP script running feature, we need to enable its related module. First, we need to install the related module in the terminal: An error has occurred! Because mpm_event module creates a conflict. In order to solve this problem first disable this module by:
For Apache web server users, you’ll install libapache2-mod-php as a dependency. But for Nginx users, you’ll install PHP 7.3-FPM instead. Ensure you’re running an updated version of Linux Mint. If you have important programs running and don’t want to upgrade them, you can just do an update for packages list.
Firstly, we need to install the current PHP version on our machine. when this article is written latest stable PHP release is 7.3.9. Normally old PHP packages alwa y s can be found in main or universe distro’s repositories but they are not always up to date. So we need to add an additional external repository to install the latest packages.
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