se estiver usando o navegador 'Chrome', procure pelo arquivo baixado no canto inferior esquerdo da tela. E se estiver usando o navegador 'Firefox', clique no botão 'Salvar arquivo' e fique de olho no canto superior direito da tela. Depois disso, clique no arquivo baixado para iniciar a instalação.
Guia de instalação Etapa 1: depois de receber o convite do Launcher+, clique no botão Baixar e instalar. Não se esqueça de aceitar os Termos de Serviço da Zynga antes disso para avançar. Etapa 2: se você estiver usando o navegador Chrome, localize o arquivo transferido no canto inferior esquerdo da tela.
To uninstall, go to your Control Panel, The Windows icon bottom left, or the little Magnifying glass icon next to it, just type in control, it will pop right up. Then click on Uninstall Programs, look down the menu of your installed programs and find FV2 Launcher, or Farmville 2 Launcher, I don't have it so can't check to see its exact name, ...
FV2 Launcher Update! - FarmVille 2 FarmVille 2 « Crabtastic Collection | Main| Outdoor Movie Night » 20 FV2 Launcher Update! Hi, Farmers! If you’re looking for information on the new Launcher+ Update, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some FAQ you might find helpful: 1. Why should I update my Launcher+?
You will get the Reward on loading FarmVille 2 after your Launcher+ has been updated to the latest version. If you load the game before the installation process is completed, you will only get the Reward the next timeyou load the game. Posted at 06:26 AM in Announcements, Game Updates, Guides|Permalink
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