Como ganhar mais gemas no Soul Knight?

Pergunta de Miguel Santos em 23-09-2022
(13 votos)

Como ganhar mais gemas no Soul Knight?

Digitar o código que deseja....Códigos gerais de Soul Knight.

Siont74scjGanha 600 Gemas
nerd7ZGanha 3 Iron Stones, 3 Madeiras e 1288 Gemas
70yearsGanha 777 Gemas
irobotGanha 5 Peças, 5 Baterias e 515 Pedras Preciosas

Qual a versão mais recente do Soul Knight?

Informações sobre Soul Knight

NomeSoul Knight
Última versão3.2.7
Tamanho135.13 Mb

Como instalar Soul Knight?

Como baixar e jogar Soul Knight no PC

  1. Baixe e instale o BlueStacks no seu PC.
  2. Conclua o login do Google para acessar a Play Store ou faça isso mais tarde.
  3. Procure por Soul Knight na barra de pesquisa no canto superior direito.
  4. Clique para instalar Soul Knight a partir dos resultados da pesquisa.

Can you play soul Knight on a PC?

Play Soul Knight on PC and Mac with the free BlueStacks app and start enjoying the world of extra features and benefits that come with it. BlueStacks is an app for the Mac and PC that allows users the chance to play any Android game or app right on their computer or laptop.

What do you need to know about soul Knight?

Soul Knight is a shooter where players go to explore dungeons full of dangerous enemies, chests with weapons, minor characters, bosses, etc. Soul Knight is a roguelite game openly inspired by Enter the Gungeon. In this game, you will have to navigate the darkest depths of a dungeon full of dangerous threats… and weapons.

What are the soul Knight codes for 2019?

Soul Knight Codes 2019 – Gems Codes. There are tons of gems waiting for you, and you need them to unlock Pets and other stuff. 19newyear – Earn 999 gems. 2thaniv – Earn 1,000 gems. Tdy8et – Earn 888 gems. Jinkela – Earn 3 fertilizer. Bigmouth – Earn fertilizer, titan arum and also 500 gems. Cgdth – Earn 700 gems.

How does a host start a soul Knight game?

When at least two players are ready, the host can start the game by pressing a button with the play icon on it. If a run has been interrupted and the players want to resume the game, they need to use the "Last game" button at the title screen. The host will get to start if at least one player is back.

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