Formatando o Windows 10
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Format using My Computer Press the Windows key, type My Computer, and then press Enter. Find the appropriate drive icon and right-click it. In the drop-down menu that appears, select the Format option. In the Format window, most options should be set by default, and you can most likely leave those default settings as is.
Find the hard drive you want to format in the list of drives in the center pane. Right-click on the drive and choose the "Format..." option from the new menu that will appear. Choose the "NTFS" option from the drop-down menu labeled as "File System.".
Use the following steps to format a drive: Type Control Panel in the search box. Click Control Panel. Click Administrative Tools. Click Computer Management . Click Disk Management. Right click on the drive or partition to format and click on Format.
PC Format was a computer magazine published in the United Kingdom by Future plc , and licensed to other publishers in countries around the world.
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