Qualquer um dos vários tipos da bactéria Gram-negativa Pseudomonas, sobretudo Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pode infectar partes distintas do corpo, principalmente em pessoas que têm problemas clínicos graves ou que estão hospitalizadas.
Infecções do trato respiratório aeruginosa é uma causa frequente de pneumonia associada a ventiladores . Nos pacientes infectados pelo HIV Pseudomonas geralmente causa pneumonia ou sinusite. Bronquite por Pseudomonas é comum mais tarde, na evolução da fibrose cística .
Different types of antibiotics that might work for pseudomonas treatment include ceftazidime, ciprofloxacin and gentamicin. Imipenem, piperacillin-tazobactum and tobramycin are other antibiotics that might work as well.
Tab. Kaishore Guggul. This is another herbal medicine from the house for the management of pseudomonas infection. These herbal tablets are prepared using a special combination of useful herbs which include the following: Guggulu resin ( Commiphora mukul ), Ginger root ( Zingiber officinale ), Guduchi herb ( Tinospora cordifolia ),...
Since antibiotics are the usual treatment option for a bacterial infection, using an antibiotic for pseudomonas treatment is typical. In most cases, pseudomonas is treated with a combination of two antibiotics. This increases the chances of the medications treating the condition, since most antibiotics do not have an effect on the bacteria at all.
The healthy amongst us have little to fear from Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. But for some people the bacteria can be deadly. They can kill people in our hospitals within 24 hours of striking. They can also infect the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis, frequently contributing to an untimely death.
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