Como descobrir código de rastreio FedEx?

Pergunta de Alice Costa em 22-09-2022
(35 votos)

Como descobrir código de rastreio FedEx?

O número de rastreamento da FedEx pode ser obtido no recibo de remessa, seja impresso ou no e-mail de confirmação após realizar uma solicitação de envio. Ao fazer uma compra online com frete por FedEx, o vendedor, geralmente, informa o número depois que a empresa faz a coleta do produto.

Qual horário de entrega do FedEx?

Entrega entre as 8h e as 11h em dois dias úteis. Para documentos e pacotes de até 68 kg (150 lb) Garantia de reembolso de frete*

Qual o horário de entrega do FedEx?

Entrega entre as 8h e as 11h em dois dias úteis. Para documentos e pacotes de até 68 kg (150 lb) Garantia de reembolso de frete*

Does FedEx have GPS tracking?

FedEx markets its GPS tracking technology as SenseAware, a service that integrates GPS technology with a Web platform. With SenseAware, FedEx places a GPS tracking device on or in a package. As the package travels, the device notes the package's location, the ambient temperature and whether someone has opened the package.

How do you track a package from FedEx?

On the FedEx website homepage, find the "Track a Shipment" section located just below the large information banner running across the top of the page. Enter your tracking number into the box, and click on "Track.". The system should return information on the current status of the package.

Where can I find a FedEx tracking number?

If you're waiting for a package, request your FedEx tracking number from the sender. She can find this number on the receipt. After you receive it, access and use the tracking ID feature. Another option is to track the package location by entering your transportation control number or reference number.

How do you track a FedEx Freight number?

If tracking by a FedEx Freight PRO or TNBR number, type "FB" or "PRO" in the body of the message, enter one space and the number to track. Click "Send" and the system will return an email update on the shipment number entered.

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