Como converter online um PDF em PowerPoint Selecione o arquivo PDF que você deseja converter em um arquivo PPTX. Espere o Acrobat converter automaticamente o arquivo no formato do PowerPoint. Baixe o arquivo convertido do PowerPoint ou faça logon para compartilhá-lo.
How to convert a PDF to PowerPoint: Open a file in Acrobat . Click on the Export PDF tool in the right pane. Choose Microsoft PowerPoint as your export format. Click Export. If your PDF contains scanned text, Acrobat will run text recognition automatically. Name the PowerPoint file and save it in a desired location.
Change PDF File to PowerPoint directly. Go to the home screen of PDFelement Pro and then select "Convert PDF". Navigate to where you have saved your PDF file and select it. Choose the format type, create the destination folder and then save it to convert it to PPT.
Click on the Upload tab at the top-center of the window. Click on Select a file from your computer in the center of the window. Select the PowerPoint presentation you want to convert. Click on File in the upper-left of the window. Click on Dowload As. Click on PDF Document. Name the document and click on Save.
You can convert your PowerPoint presentations to Adobe PDF documents with the PDF Maker add-in that installs with Adobe Acrobat .
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