1º Passo: Indentificando a Omni Light no V-Ray; Primeira Luz na janela VfS: Lights; 2º Passo: Clique na opção Omni Light e em seguida clique no local que você quer inserir; vai surgir uma esfera enorme, mas como todas os emissores de luz do V-Ray nós podemos alterar o tamanho usando a escala.
Então sem mais rodeios, vamos começar com o Passo a Passo! 1º Passo: Reconhecendo o símbolo do Spot Light. Terceiro ícone na barra de Luz do V-Ray. 2º Passo: Clique no local onde você quer adicionar a luz, e ele criará o emissor de luz.
Veja como é simples configurar as luzes no sketchup:
Para começar a fazer o bom uso da Luz do Sol, basta clicar no Ícone do Asset Editor, em seguida selecione a lâmpada no menu superior e encontre a opção Sun Light.
In Vray, there are 4 types of lights that are most commonly used; rectangle light, spot light, omni light, and dome light. These are the 4 main lights I’ll be focusing on in this tutorial. You simply cannot render without lights. Nothing will show; it’ll be pitch black. You can’t render with bad lighting either.
V-Ray Spot Light is a V-Ray specific light source plugin. Use it to create a physically accurate light that directs a narrow beam of light with falloff. Find out more: Spot Light Dome light (also known as Area light) creates light within a dome or spherical shape to create a traditional global illumination setup.
problem. When you use spotlights in Vray for Sketchup, the shadows are quite sharp and you want softer ones. solution. Right-click on your spotlight and go to “Vray for Sketchup” > “Edit Light” Under Spot Angles, set the Penumbra angle to 0,15. I usually also increase the Cone Angle to 2 or 3. Under Shadows, increase the Shadow Radius to 30,0.
You can always resize your Rectangle (Plane) Light using the Scale Tool & move it around/rotate using the Move Tool. You can also hide the object itself by checking the Invisible option (so you only get the light without the glowing plane) and you can also change the shape of it to an Ellipse.
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