Como ativar ou desativar o som do Zoom no celular (Android ou iPhone)
Verifique se você não está com o som desativado: ao entrar em uma reunião do Zoom, você normalmente terá que clicar para ativar o microfone, pois o som está desativado. Procure o ícone do microfone no canto inferior esquerdo; se estiver riscado, clique para ativar o som do microfone.
Veja como fazer.
Como ativar o microfone do notebook
Como ativar o microfone do notebook
Como desativar o microfone do Zoom no computador
If you are shooting videos with sound, the optical zoom on the camera is disabled. This is because the microphones will record the sound and vibrations of the zoom mechanism, which would overpower the sounds of the action being recorded.
Check if that is the reason for the sound not working on your computer. In case conflict exists between the sound card and the other devices installed in your computer, there is a chance that the sound card driver is not properly installed for the other devices as well as the sound card. There could be a faulty sound driver in your system.
There are a couple of reasons why your microphone may not be working. It may be because of a setting that restricts a certain app from using your microphone or dirt that filled up the microphone itself. Another possible reason could be hardware damage.
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