Método 1: Windows Update
Caso nenhum desses tenha funcionado e você tenha certeza que o site usa Flash, tente colar chrome://components na barra do navegador, procurar por Adobe Flash Player e clicar em Verificar atualizações.
Como ativar o Adobe Flash Player no Google Chrome
Isso se dá porque os desenvolvedores e companhias tiveram mais de dois anos desde o anúncio da Adobe para adaptarem suas aplicações. Empresas como Apple, Google e Microsoft estão dando suporte para a transição do Flash Player para outras plataformas, justamente com o objetivo de não afetar o consumidor.
Open Start > Settings > Update & security > Windows Update > Check for updates. Download and install the latest update for Flash if it’s available. Sometimes even Windows Update might prove problematic when installing updates for Flash Player updates.
Follow these 3 steps to fix Flash Player problems: 1. Download and run the Flash Player repair tool Advanced System Repair. 2. Click Scan to run an advanced error analysis on your computer. 3. When the scan finishes, click the Fix All button to automatically repair the problems found.
Home / General Software / Flash Player / Reinstall Flash Player for Google Chrome In Google Chrome, type chrome://plugins into the address bar and press Enter. Find “Flash” in the list and click the Disable link underneath it. Go to the following link: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ Uncheck any checkboxes to install additional software.
How to Install Adobe Flash Player For PC Windows 10 Go to the browser in your Windows 10 personal computer and then you should click on the official pagehttp://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ In the official page you will find Flash Player download page which will help you in order to download the latest version.
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