Como abrir arquivos .msi no Windows 10?

Pergunta de Theo Costa em 23-09-2022
(83 votos)

Como abrir arquivos .msi no Windows 10?

msi no windows 10 - Microsoft Community....Serviço Windows Installer

  1. Utilize as teclas de atalho Windows + R, digite services. msc e confirme com OK.
  2. Na tela de Serviços que foi aberta, localize Windows Installer.
  3. Dê um duplo clique em Windows Installer, e clique em Iniciar.

How to delete Windows Installer folder and files?

1. Open [ Windows Settings] by clicking its icon in the left pane of the Start menu. 2. Click [ System] > [ Storage ]. 3. Select the disk you want to clean up, generally C disk. 4. Windows 10 will display what is taking up space. Click on [ Temporary files ]. 5.

Is there a way to uninstall Windows from my computer?

Windows warns you that you are about to erase all the data stored on that partition, and you might also get a warning that the selected partition is in use. To continue the formatting, press Yes. Once you do that, you can see that the Windows that you wanted to uninstall has been removed.

How to uninstall Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7?

A quick way to launch it is to use the Run window. Simultaneously press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard and, in the Run window, enter type msconfig. Press Enter or click/tap OK, and the System Configuration tool opens. We use the System Configuration tool because it is available in all Windows versions.

How can I remove Microsoft Office from my computer?

Remove Office. Right-click Start and select Windows PowerShell (Admin).

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